martes, 12 de agosto de 2008

Honduras, como se extraño!

Well I have been back in the States for about 2 months now, and I don't think it would be an exaggeration to say that not a single day has passed where I haven't thought about Honduras. In fact, there are many days where I wish I was still there. For many reasons. For the love of an escuelita which felt like a family I was proud to be a part of, for all the smiling faces of the precious niños and niñas who will always be in my heart, for all the laughter shared with special new friends, for all the deep, heart-felt talks had with those same friends, for the love of a muchaco who has a big place in my heart and in my mind, who I wish could be a part of my life more instead of less, for the love of a new language that is way more fun to speak than English, and for the love of a culture and lifestyle that drew me in quicker than imaginable.

They weren't kidding when they talked about this whole "reimersion process" being way harder than the initial cultural shock. I feel very strange being in my own country; everday- things seem harder instead of easier, and I feel like I have new perpspectives on things that no one around me can understand. I find myself hoping I will get used to being here again, but then again, I don't want to do that at the expense of letting my memories from Honduras get farther away.

On the bright side, I have a flight booked to visit Honduras during my vacation at the end of this month! I'm aware that it may, in fact, just make things harder for me in terms of readjusting here, but since I have every intention of keeping my ties in Honduras, right now I am just extremely excited about my approaching visit.