lunes, 25 de febrero de 2008

Muchas Personnas, Muchos Lugares, y Muchas Cosas

It's been pretty eventful here ever since the group arrived on Thursday. If I'm not in la casa working or sleeping, then I've been with the group, taking advantage of being able to see my mom and also to get to go to some different towns nearby and meet some new people.
Saturday Jess and I went with the group to a church in a very small town nearby where they set up a clinic for the nurses on the team. It was pretty crazy and stressful for everyone, I think, but also very rewarding. There was a line of people waiting the whole time to complain of headaches, stomachaches, smelly ears, you name it. Anything to be given some medicina (i.e. tylenol or eye drops). It was kind of sad though, because all the people that came probably never get to see a doctor, and were just happy to get some attention. And there were at least a few people that probably needed some serious help, far beyond our capabilities, and therefore help that they most likely will not get. It was also pretty sad that where I was most needed was as a translator. Jess was the pick of choice, of course, and there were two other girls on the team that do pretty well with Spanish, but after them I was basically the go-to girl. It was really good practice for me, though.
Yesterday I went with the group to another small town nearby, near a river and over a somewhat crickety bridge. We just spent some time there entertaining the kids, and giving away things, and then we went to the house of a family with 3 deaf kids (which is why I wanted to go). When we got there I realized two of the three I knew already from Nazareth, Joel and Denis. But it was nice to get to see where they lived and practice my signing a little with them.
Today was a weird day at Nazareth, as so far they all have been, but I did get to start my clase de artistica. I made up a simple and fairly unimaginative dance to Stevie Wonder's Sir Duke, one which I thought would be simple enough for the really little kids and difficult enough for the older ones. I definitely overestimated the level of rhythmic capability of most of the children. There was really only one class of the four that I had today that were getting it, and that was the deaf kids! I'm going to have to do some modifying I think for the mas pequenos ninos. It will be easier to plan the more I get to know each child and their individual capabilities.
I guess that's all for now; expect a bunch of new pictures from this weekend soon!

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