miércoles, 23 de abril de 2008

Todo Macizo

More time keeps passing between each entry. I guess I've just gotten into the swing of things, and life here is starting to feel normal, as if there is nothing strange or exciting to report on. This of course, isn't true; although I've gotten into a routine and every day may not seem like anything exciting is happening, each day I'm here is a blessing and I'm trying really hard to make use of that. It's hard because time is going by so quickly. I can't believe it's already the end of April. I literally feel like I blinked and the month of April passed. Up until very recently I have been, for the most part, looking forward to going home. Not to say that I haven't been enjoying my time here, but I've just been marking days off on my calender and thinking about how great it will feel to be home. But now, kind of suddenly, it's sinking in that I am going home very soon, and that I know I'm going to be very sad when I do. I love the people of Honduras, and I will truely miss the laid-back, happy, and caring nature of the people and lifestyle here. There were three reasons that called me to Honduras: the first being the desire to help these beautiful people that I have met and loved before, to somehow contribute to the great work that is being done here. the second reason is wanting to gain experience related to my major, my career, experience that I know will help me gain perspective in my studies. The third reason, is my desire for cultural immersion; to experience in actuality what it is like to live in a country very different from my own. All of these reasons I can say without hesitation I am fulfilling. But at different points so far I have felt one reason pulling stronger than the others. The first thing that was very clear to me, was the incredible experience I am gaining working with students, especially those with special needs. I know I will go home and be capable of doing and understanding things I never would have before. Then, as I got to know the kids better, the pull of my desire to help was at a high point. I got so involved in the students and the countless things I wanted to be able to do to help. Right now, I'm feeling the immersion starting to kick in. This week in particular I have felt really connected to some of the teachers at Nazareth; like they are really friends of mine, more than just people I like and respect. (Not to mention that as of recently tengo un amigo casi un novio que me gusta mucho y con quien paso bastante tiempo...)
Anyways, to sum up, everything is going really great right now. My experiences are turning out to be everything I hoped they would be. The countdown is on for returning to the States, when a strange mixture of happiness and sadness and all sorts of other feelings will take over.

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